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Picking (series)

“Pick­ing” is a series of draw­ings made in black chalk and oil pas­tel, rep­res­ent­ing two char­ac­ters in nuc­le­ar suits who pick a flower drawn in a child­ish way, where each flower is dif­fer­ent from one work to anoth­er. The harsh­ness and depth of black and white for the adults con­trast with the naiv­ety, dream­i­ness and col­or of the flower sym­bol­iz­ing child­hood. This work reminds us of the dra­mat­ic con­sequences for nature and the envir­on­ment of the actions of adults and the world they will leave to future gen­er­a­tions. It’s like tear­ing off a child­hood dream of a bet­ter world.
Black chalk on paper and dry pastel. 50 x 50 cm.