This art­work was made for the eponym­ous group show “Plat­in­um” at Stolen­Space in Lon­don. Plat­in­um is a met­al essen­tial to some of our tech­no­logy that we rely on the most. But also to some key tech­no­logy that can help reduce pol­lu­tion and glob­al warm­ing. In that sense we wanted to rep­res­ent the min­er­al as beau­ti­ful as pos­sible as the prom­ises for a bet­ter future it holds.
“Plat­in­um” group show.
Black chalk on paper. 90 x 68 cm.

The render echoes to the first art­work, togeth­er they dis­cuss as a whole both sym­bol­ic­ally and phys­ic­ally. One is a rep­res­ent­a­tion of some­thing we look back at with pas­sion and what it has brought us, one where we look at the future and what it can bring us.