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Urban muses 5

The real­iz­a­tion of por­traits of home­less people, char­ac­ters faded in the street, allows us to bring them to the rank of mod­els, icons : they become our muses. By depict­ing them from the front, full-frame, in a large scale and pla­cing them in the urb­an space, we impose on the view­er­’s gaze these por­traits of faces chiseled and dam­aged by life. The prints of the ori­gin­al draw­ing are made on a par­tic­u­larly fine paper. Time, cli­mat­ic haz­ards, human inter­ven­tion will com­plete the work. These works are eph­em­er­al and that’s what makes them sens­it­ive. The work becomes unique when it becomes imbued with the mater­i­al and asper­it­ies of the recep­tion sup­port. The choice of space is not only the nar­rat­ive com­ple­ment of the draw­ing, but it is also the sup­port for both its mater­i­als and col­ors.
Nuart Fest­iv­al. Stavanger. Nor­way.
Black chalk drawing.