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Murmure x Barnabé

The “child­hood of art” is an import­ant series in our work. It includes a set of draw­ing of chil­dren divert­ing urb­an mes­sages exist­ing in the street. The works on the street being as var­ied as pos­sible both in their style and their place­ment, we real­ized a series allow­ing us to play with the greatest num­ber. Very small chil­dren, big­ger ones, one on top of the oth­er, etc. Here it is a paste up of Barn­abé, par­tic­u­larly effect­ive by its hijack of one of the most fam­ous intergen­er­a­tion­al icons : Mickey Mouse. We first inter­vened on his work in the street, and in view of its effect­ive­ness we ended up con­tact­ing him to do a paste up ses­sion togeth­er.
Scale 1 black chalk drawing and spraypaint on paper.