“Soar­ing 01” is one of the most ambi­tious art­work from the « Garb-age » series. Here the light­ness of the back­ground con­trasts with the del­ic­ate and pre­cise line of each bird reveal­ing every little detail.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Mixed media on paper. 126 x 212 cm

The numer­ous garbage bags birds are a dir­ect ref­er­ence to the pro­lif­er­a­tion of plastic pol­lu­tion around the globe and the threat it is to nature. Just as birds migra­tions, this art­work cri­ti­cizes the prac­tices from the most developed coun­tries con­sist­ing in send­ing their trash to devel­op­ing coun­tries there­fore avoid­ing deal­ing with this eco­lo­gic­al issue.