In con­tinu­ation with “Garbage Whale” but in a much lar­ger scale, this art­work reprises the zoomorph­ic garbage whale theme. Just like the tip of an ice­berg, the whale tail is the only part vis­ible of the anim­al sym­bol­iz­ing the plastic pol­lu­tion in our oceans. It there­fore sug­gests the major part of the beast invis­ble. Because if plastic pol­lu­tion is known by all, among oth­ers due to the exist­ence of the “sev­enth con­tin­ent”, the major part of the pol­lu­tion is invis­ible through micro­scop­ic particles in the water and is as dan­ger­ous to life, if not more, as the float­ing wastes.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Black chalk, carbon and color pencil on paper. 135 x 185 cm.