“Bad Seeds” rep­res­ents an old man feed­ing trash bag birds. This act, which may seem trivi­al, is how­ever pro­hib­ited in many cit­ies in order to pre­vent the pro­lif­er­a­tion of these anim­als, which can carry dis­eases and thus avoid the risk of trans­mis­sion. This work thus sym­bol­izes all these little bad habits of our daily life which are rooted in us and which con­trib­ute to the mul­ti­plic­a­tion and pro­lif­er­a­tion of waste.
“Details” group show.
Black chalk on paper. 70 x 70 cm

This art­work was first drawn at scale one (shown in the pic­ture above) to serve as mod­el for the paste up in streets. It was then made for col­lect­ors in a 70 x 70 cm draw­ing (show in the pic­ture below) and show­cased in Los Angeles.