“Drop the bag” is a black chalk draw­ing made for the Art Osaka fair in Japan. It high­lights the cas­u­al­ness of Man in the face of waste and his respons­ib­il­ity by throw­ing the garbage bag out the win­dow. The char­ac­ter presents the bag firmly, this ges­ture thus sym­bol­izes the determ­in­a­tion of his cow­ardice in the face of the fight against pol­lu­tion by throw­ing in the tow­el in res­ol­ute aban­don­ment. It puts the view­er, to whom the char­ac­ter seems to be address­ing, face to face with their respons­ib­il­it­ies. It’s up to him to resume the fight by pick­ing up the garbage bag, or to look away…
“Art Osaka” art fair.
Black chalk on paper. 80 x 60 cm.