This acryl­ic paint­ing fea­tures a dung beetle : a cop­ro­phag­ous insect known for its unwaver­ing per­sever­ance. It is essen­tial to the eco­sys­tem for its abil­ity to recycle excreta, thus con­trib­ut­ing to good soil fer­til­ity. The excre­ments are replaced here by a garbage bag which, reduced to the scale of the insect, is an allegory of over­con­sump­tion, denoun­cing the pro­lif­er­a­tion of waste ever more import­ant in our envir­on­ment. This work ques­tions the impact on wild­life of such an influx of waste. Inspired by the eponym­ous mur­al we did in Bay­onne we chose the same col­or palette for the back­ground as a node to our biggest mur­al ever.
“Anthro­po­lo­gic” solo show.
Acrylic on canvas. 119 x 189 cm.