« Garbage bird » is the stu­dio ver­sion of the eponym­ous mur­al com­pleted for the 2019 Pow! Wow! Rot­ter­dam fest­iv­al. This draw­ing rep­res­ents a garbage bag bird, a zoomorph­ic trash that serves as a remind­er of the fra­gile nature of those anim­als that are among the first vic­tims of human pol­lu­tion in par­tic­u­lar plastic. Com­pleted with char­coal pen­cil, with subtle shades of grey and a drop shad­ow, the ren­der­ing of the plastic mater on this draw­ing is vol­un­tar­ily real­ist­ic in order to emphas­ize the real nature of this issue and the emer­gency to act.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Black chalk, carbon and color pencil on paper. 70 x 50 cm.