“Garbage Whale” is the first art­work from the “Garb-age” series. This art­work obvi­ously raises aware­ness on the mat­ter of the pol­lu­tion of the seas through the rep­res­ent­a­tion of one of the most fas­cin­at­ing and peace­ful creature of our eco­sys­tem, dir­ectly threaten by the plastic pro­lif­er­a­tion. The art­work is based on a blurred back­ground done with graph­ite pen­cil. With his eth­er­e­al render, it con­trasts with the garbage bag whale with a much more bru­tal stroke. The light­ness of the land­scape emphas­ize the dif­fer­ence with this zoomorph­ic con­sump­tion object.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Black chalk and color pencil on paper. 70 x 100 cm