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Garbage tail (bronze)

Garbage Tail is one of the emblem­at­ic images from our work. The majest­ic and eleg­ant whale tail is rep­res­en­ted here in a garbage bag, its red plastic thread as a clasp. Great atten­tion has been paid to details to recre­ate the tex­ture of a garbage bag while keep­ing a final render delib­er­ately raw. This con­trast gives more power and a sur­real side to the work sub­lim­ated by a pat­ina of dark gray shades. The addi­tion of a real garbage bag thread makes this sculp­ture a “Ready-made”, offer­ing a whole dif­fer­ent approach to one of our most emblem­at­ic work.
“Anthro­po­lo­gic” solo show.
Bronze sculpture and plastic thread. 19,4 x 23,5 x 8 cm

It was essen­tial for us to make a sculp­ture in a mater­i­al just as eleg­ant and majest­ic as the sub­ject : bronze. We thus pro­duced a first mod­el dir­ectly with a real garbage bag to be able to work on a second in wax. Wax mod­els that we have reworked by hand to achieve the desired look. We have chosen to be accom­pan­ied for this first sculp­ture by the fam­ous R. Boc­quel art foundry in France.