Inspired by the work of Rene Mag­ritte “lov­ers I”, this art­works rep­res­ents two lov­ers kiss­ing, each one with their head in a trash bag. This draw­ing made with car­bon pen­cil ques­tions soci­ety on the mis­use of single use plastics and more broadly plastics pro­cessing in an era where they pro­lif­er­ate in all areas of pro­duc­tion. These two lov­ers kiss each oth­er com­plet­ing an usu­al harm­less act, tender and naive, their head wrapped in a com­mon but deadly object as if they were unaware, reck­less or blind to the cur­rent situ­ation.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Black chalk and carbon pencil on paper. 60 x 80cm