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Garbage ocean (series 1)

“Garbage Ocean” is a series of draw­ing mix­ing the char­coal pen­cil tech­nique to render the plastic mat­ter of the back­ground and acryl­ic paint­ing for the col­oured ele­ment. These art­works sym­bol­ize what human activ­ity has done to our seas and oceans around the globe and the ever-increas­ing quant­ity of plastic that is thrown into it.
“Garb-age” solo show. “Details” group show. “DDessin” art fair.
Black chalk and acrylic on paper. 60 x 80 cm.

Here the garbage bag seems almost nat­ur­al, it fills the whole image to emphas­ize the dra­mat­ic situ­ation the world is facing. Each art­work dif­fers in term of light effects and the folds of the plastic, but also with his col­oured ele­ment. Eye-catch­ing, this ele­ment that seems lost in the vast­ness of the ocean sets the scale of the art­work and gives a dif­fer­ent key to under­stand the mean­ing behind it.