“White bird” dif­fers from the oth­er art­works of the “Garb-age” series as it is the only one depict­ing a white garbage bag. Rep­res­ent­ing a garbage bag seagull tak­ing off, it is a remind­er of the fra­gile nature of seabirds that are among the first vic­tims of human pol­lu­tion and in par­tic­u­lar plastic pol­lu­tion. The choice to depict a garbage bag in white, sym­bol of pur­ity and clean­li­ness, emphas­ize the con­tra­dic­tion with the alarm­ing eco­lo­gic­al situ­ation of our oceans. Where­as, at the same time, the take off of this white creature shines a light of hope, remind­er of the numer­ous ini­ti­at­ives to clean the oceans and the grow­ing aware­ness of the pub­lic on the emer­gency to act.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Mixed media on paper. 50 x 70 cm.