“Por­trait” as its name sug­gests is a series of por­traits where the face dis­ap­pears under a garbage bag, hid­ing the fea­tures that make each per­son unique and recog­niz­able. The lines, the folds, the knot, and the char­ac­ter­ist­ic shape of the garbage bag, reveal anoth­er per­son­al­ity, also unique in the image of the waste pro­duced by a per­son. High­lighted by con­tem­por­ary and some­times graph­ic cloth­ing bring­ing eleg­ance to the sub­jects, these por­traits sym­bol­ize our con­sumer­ist soci­ety.
“Anthro­po­lo­gic” solo show.
Acrylic on canvas. 120 x 90 cm.