“Short Sighted” is part of our “Saynètes” series which puts into per­spect­ive, in a sur­real way, man­kind and its rela­tion­ship to pol­lu­tion and the pro­lif­er­a­tion of waste of which he, him­self is the main cause. This acryl­ic paint­ing is part of a trip­tych presen­ted in Ger­many for the Knoten­punkt fest­iv­al. Here it is the blind­ness of man­kind which is high­lighted both through the garbage bag and the dried up tall grass that obstruct the view of our char­ac­ter. The char­ac­ter gazes into the dis­tance, seem­ing to seek out a danger that is so close.
“Knoten­punkt” group show.
Acrylic on canvas. 120 x 91 cm.