In line with “Soar­ing 01” this work, by the mul­ti­tude of garbage bag birds rep­res­en­ted, refers to the pro­lif­er­a­tion of plastic pol­lu­tion around the world and the threat it poses to nature. Nev­er­the­less, here the art­work is based on a more fig­ur­at­ive beach back­ground, in which the birds seem to advance soar­ing in the wind, thus sym­bol­iz­ing the spread of plastic waste against which nature can do noth­ing. But also more fig­ur­at­ively the policies of developed coun­tries which con­sist in dis­pos­ing of their waste by send­ing it to oth­er coun­tries. Pol­lu­tion knows no bor­ders, it will come back in one way or anoth­er, migrat­ing from sea to land.
“Garb-age” solo show.
Black chalk and color pencil on paper. 60 x 80 cm.