“Wilson” is a work cre­ated for the group show exhib­i­tion “Post­cards of 2020” show­cased by Stolen­Space gal­lery in Lon­don, for which each artist cre­ated an unique work as an ‘Ode to 2020’ and what the events of the year have meant to them. We went through this year 2020 with an assidu­ous pro­duc­tion of the Garb-age pro­ject but also, like the whole plan­et, in social isol­a­tion. This is why we have chosen to rein­ter­pret the icon­ic image of Tom Hank­s’s “friend” in the film “Cast Away” into that of our ima­gin­ary friend painted on a garbage bag.
“Post­cards of 2020” group show.
Black chalk and color pencil on paper. 80 x 60 cm.