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So far so good

This art­work focuses on glob­al warm­ing and blind­ness and inac­tion of our soci­et­ies regard­ing this issue. Through this beau­ti­ful ice land­scape trans­formed into a para­dise beach full of people enjoy­ing their hol­i­days, we want to raise aware­ness on how we live our lives without think­ing or real­iz­ing the impact on our envir­on­ment and for the future gen­er­a­tions. Tour­ism being one of the most pol­lut­ing industry.
“So far so good ” solo show.
Acrylic on canvas. 132 x 285 cm.

This paint­ing is the biggest we ever made and took us almost 8 months to com­plete from the first tests to the final touches.