This art­work was made for the group show “Plat­in­um” at Stolen­Space in Lon­don and sym­bol­ic­ally rep­res­ents the « Plat­in­um » uni­on of two people. Some­thing as rare as the met­al itself nowadays, as it marks 70 years of love. We wanted to emphas­ize the render of the old skin almost as a rock, with their stains and wrinkles, quite min­er­al in fact. The con­trast of the light­ing on the hands with the back­ground reminds us of the shini­ness of the met­al. Over­all you can feel the love in the pos­ture that makes it invalu­able.
“Plat­in­um” group show.
Black chalk on paper. 90 x 68 cm.