France, the coun­try of human rights, is the third largest arms sup­pli­er in the world. It is the biggest con­sumer of tear gas and Flash­ball gren­ades. Viol­ence is omni­present dur­ing demon­stra­tions and keep escal­at­ing with more and more ser­i­ous injur­ies amongst pro­test­ers. This is David’s con­stant fight against Goliath. With this work depict­ing a sol­dier threat­en­ing a flirty Min­ion, we wanted to rep­res­ent the con­flict between love and war. Hit­ting on the sol­dier, the min­ion seems to ignore in his stu­pid­ity the danger rep­res­en­ted by the gun poin­ted at him, just like a pro­test­er ignor­ing the threat posed by author­it­ies more and more equiped with dan­ger­ous weapons. But this stu­pid­ity, would it not be intel­li­gence ?
Chinese ink and color pencil on paper. 30 x 40cm.