The dung beetle is a cop­ro­phag­ous insect that is essen­tial to the eco­sys­tem because of its abil­ity to recycle feces, thus con­trib­ut­ing to good soil fer­til­ity. The excre­ments are replaced here by a garbage bag, which reduced to the scale of the insect, becomes an allegory of the over­con­sump­tion and pro­lif­er­a­tion of waste ever more import­ant in our envir­on­ment.
Point de Vue Fest­iv­al. Bay­onne. France

The work ques­tions the import­ance of recyc­ling plastic waste. But above all the tend­ency of developed coun­tries to shift the prob­lem to devel­op­ing coun­tries which are not equipped to cope with such an influx of waste.

This mur­al was painted with acryl­ic paint and brush. This tech­nique allows an hyper­real­ism render from a dis­tance, thus high­light­ing the sub­ject in its envir­on­ment, but it also allows to have a much more plastic vis­ion as the view­er approaches. Up close he can dis­tin­guish the brush­strokes and the chro­mat­ic work. We have chosen to keep the ori­gin­al tones of the wall as much as pos­sible and thereby keep its nat­ur­al beauty.