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Dung beetle
The dung beetle is a coprophagous insect that is essential to the ecosystem because of its ability to recycle feces, thus contributing to good soil fertility. The excrements are replaced here by a garbage bag, which reduced to the scale of the insect, becomes an allegory of the overconsumption and proliferation of waste ever more important in our environment.
Point de Vue Festival. Bayonne. France

The work questions the importance of recycling plastic waste. But above all the tendency of developed countries to shift the problem to developing countries which are not equipped to cope with such an influx of waste.

This mural was painted with acrylic paint and brush. This technique allows an hyperrealism render from a distance, thus highlighting the subject in its environment, but it also allows to have a much more plastic vision as the viewer approaches. Up close he can distinguish the brushstrokes and the chromatic work. We have chosen to keep the original tones of the wall as much as possible and thereby keep its natural beauty.