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Prime of life

It was fol­low­ing a news event, in which an Eng­lish eld­erly woman put to flight rob­bers with her hand­bag, that we wanted to repro­duce this situ­ation. This draw­ing is made with black chalk, life size, and shot in lim­ited series. It is installed and comes alive in the pub­lic space. The install­a­tion dia­logues with the envir­on­ment thanks to its real­ism, brought by its treat­ment, its size, but also thanks to the work of the shad­ow that cre­ates the neces­sary off­set and gives depth to the scene.
Since 2012.
Aber­deen. Arro­manches. Aul­nay…
Printed edition from a scale 1 black chalk drawing.