At a time when graf­fiti artists are in their forties, we should see, in a few years, the arrival of a new gen­er­a­tion of van­dals… These draw­ings are placed on exist­ing tags, graf­fiti and flops, bring­ing all their senses in the spaces and places of inter­ven­tion offered by our cit­ies’ walls. This optic­al illu­sion is staged dif­fer­ently accord­ing to the ele­ments and the urb­an envir­on­ment. The choice of space is not only the sup­port, as much by its mater­i­als as by its col­ors which make the sin­gu­lar­ity of each work, but it is also the nar­rat­ive com­ple­ment of the draw­ing.
Since 2015.
Ber­lin. Par­is. Stavanger…
Printed edition from a scale 1 black chalk drawing.