“Ped­es­tal”, as its name sug­gests, sym­bol­ic­ally and iron­ic­ally high­lights the mass con­sump­tion that is at the heart of our soci­ety. As human nature is the cause, it is nor­mal to put Man on a ped­es­tal. The sar­casm is pushed to its max­im­um by choos­ing a recyc­ling bin as a promon­tory. This scale 1 paste-up is the first in the “Saynètes” series that puts in per­spect­ive in a sur­real way Man and his rela­tion­ship to pol­lu­tion and the pro­lif­er­a­tion of waste that he cre­ates.
Acrylic paint on Kraft paper.