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Keep it cool

We had the amaz­ing oppor­tun­ity to paint a mur­al for Vis­ion Art Fest­iv­al at 2600m of alti­tude in the middle of the Swiss moun­tains. They’ve trus­ted us to cre­ate some­thing unique and very dif­fer­ent than usu­al, a con­cep­tu­al mur­al to raise aware­ness on cli­mate change. Titled « Keep it Cool », where we trans­formed the build­ing in an old and used air con­di­tion­er.
Vis­ion Art Fest­iv­al. Crans Montana. Switzer­land.

Depend­ing on the sea­son the visu­al changes totally but the mes­sage stay the same : even at the highest alti­tude you can feel cli­mate change with the tem­per­at­ures rising. The aging pro­cess on the air con­di­tion­er is there as a remind­er that we turned a blind eye to this issue for years.

Sum­mer shots by East End Yovth. Winter shots by Vin­cent Edmond Louis.