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Garbage whale

Com­pleted dur­ing the cul­tur­al fest­iv­al V‑Rox in Vla­divos­tok (Rus­sia), “Garbage Whale” is the first mur­al from the “Garb-age” pro­ject. A pro­ject based on poet­ic­al and oneir­ic twists of the garbage bag. This object, sym­bol of our era and our con­sumer­ist civil­iz­a­tion, that invades our daily lives and envir­on­ment.
V‑Rox Fest­iv­al. Vla­divos­tok. Rus­sia

This mur­al pic­tur­ing a whale at scale 1 was com­pleted using only acryl­ic paint and brushes for a hand paint­ing ren­der­ing from a close but that com­pletes the illu­sion as you step away from it. The mur­al was buffed when the build­ing was ren­ov­ated in 2022.

Through the rep­res­ent­a­tion of this garbage bag whale, a zoomorph­ic trash, we are reminded of the eco­lo­gic­al emer­gency that is the “sev­enth con­tin­ent”, this cluster of plastic trash in the Pacific Ocean three time the size of France.