This par­tic­u­lar way of dis­play­ing the por­traits of the “Urb­an Muses” series, rep­res­ents the next step of this pro­ject. By dis­play­ing them with the rig­or and care of an art show in the streets, accom­pan­ied by a text, prin­ted in small char­ac­ter at the same size as the rest of the por­traits, we invite the pass­ers-by to take the time to approach these faces. Once again, time and decay brings anoth­er level of com­pre­hen­sion to these pieces.
Since 2011.
Printed edition from a black chalck drawing. 120 x 80 cm.

These draw­ings are made in black chalk at scale 1. The series is accom­pan­ied and com­pleted by a text, using a small typo­graph­ic font, placed in the cen­ter of a large format, identic­al to the por­traits. It forces the view­er to come closer to read and there­fore to come closer to the faces.